
Displaying 691 - 700 of 1744 Articles
Mary Deveraux
04 May 2018

Living with Primary Progressive MS

This week Mary Deveraux shares with us her experience of Primary Progressive MS. Akin to the big stories we’re all familiar with, PPMS brings unexpected twists to life no-one ever expects. 

MS Ireland
26 Apr 2018

Do You Have A Concern?

The Board and Chief Executive of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland are committed to maintaining the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability. Members and employees are often the first people who realise that there may be something seriously wrong within an organisation such as MS Ireland.

Christina McDonald
19 Apr 2018

Diagnosed with MS. Now What?

This week Christina McDonald goes deep into the experience of being diagnosed with MS. From being scared and grieving, she’s learned to doing things differently. More than ever before, she’s chasing her dreams. 

Katie St. Lawrence
05 Apr 2018

MS Fatigue

Read the first blog for MS and Me from Katie St. Lawrence (24). She shares her experience of what it means to have fatigue, how she deals with it and how, thanks to being strategic about rest, energy and listening to her body, life is as enjoyable as ever.
