Physiotherapy and Exercise

Physiotherapy and exercise
There are many research studies which have reported the benefits of exercise for people at all stages of MS. Many people with MS have found improvements in symptoms, including physical and mental health when they exercise. People also tell us that joining an exercise class is a great social link and an opportunity to learn from someone in a similar situation. MS Ireland offer a range of regional and national programmes to suit every ability and stage of MS.
Programme Overview
Explore how MS Ireland's Physiotherapy Support helps individuals with MS stay active and maintain their strength. In this video, we showcase the transformative impact of tailored physiotherapy programs on the lives of those living with MS.
MS Ireland | September 2024
Getting the Balance Right programmes take place in all of our regions and are organised by our community workers and administrators. Programmes are led by a team of physios, yoga instructors and fitness instructors.
MoveSmart MS is MS Ireland's online, nationally recruited, symptom-focused exercise program. It offers specialised, tailored, symptom-specific online exercise programmes for participants living with MS.
Active Neuro is available for adults living with MS and other neurological conditions in Dublin, Clare, Limerick, North Tipperary, Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.
People living with MS in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon can avail of physiotherapist and physiotherapy assistant led group and individual programmes.
Physiotherapy Business Case
MS Ireland is delighted to launch our business case for sustainable funding for a national physiotherapy programme for people living with MS and other neurological conditions. We propose to provide a sustainable, national physiotherapy service provided by a team of specialist physiotherapists directly employed by MS Ireland, delivered at a regional level using a blend of ‘online’ and ‘in-person’ programmes. Our programmes have research and clinical audit evidence for their effectiveness for reducing symptom severity, improving quality of life and reducing health service utilisation.
Benefits of Exercise
You can listen to how exercise has been beneficial for people with MS.
MS Ireland | 2021