European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) are pleased to share with you the programme of the Annual Conference on MS Research Towards a Patient Centred Approach in Bratislava, Slovakia. We remind you the AGM takes places on 7 June and will continue with the conference on 8-9 June 2018

Join us for the unique opportunity to not only hear about the latest research news that directly impact the lives of people with MS, but also to learn from best practices in the field of patient advocacy at scientific level. 

Programme highlights include:

▪ Educational Workshops on Clinical Trials and Health Technology Assessment

▪ Overview of the current research agenda by Prof Alan Thompson, Dean, Faculty of Brain Sciences at University College London

▪ Insight in the ongoing research programmes by ECTRIMS, the European Union and the Progressive MS Alliance

▪ Keynote lecture on Progressive MS and future development in the field by Prof Tobias Derfuss from the Basel University Hospital

▪ As well as hot updates on Genetics and environmental factors and the role Gut and microbiota play in MS

▪ Alongside many other networking opportunities and exchange of best practices with MS societies and patient advocates from across Europe

Register here
