Nutrition and MS

New survey-based research study on MS and Nutrition.

Elaine Doran, a researcher at the Atlantic Technological University Sligo, is conducting research to examine persons with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) attitudes and perceptions concerning nutrition and identify if there are appropriate supports for people in this area.

Purpose of the study:

Approximately 9,000 people are living with MS in Ireland. There is increased interest around diet and how it may impact MS, among people with MS, their Doctors and researchers. Over the last couple of decades more discussion is happening around this topic. This study is being carried out to understand what people living with MS have experienced about diets and nutrition relating to MS, and identify if there are appropriate nutrition supports in place. The study will be completed by end of 2023.

Benefits of taking part? 

The main benefit of taking part in this research is having an opportunity to have your voice heard, and to give people (clinicians, researchers, policymakers) a chance to become aware of the current state for people with MS in Ireland and their perceptions concerning nutrition. It might also provide an opportunity to advocate for improvements in this area for the future. 

How to get involved?

For all the information on this study and how to get involved click HERE 

If you have any questions relating to this study, please contact Elaine Doran at
