Do you have Multiple Sclerosis? Are you aged over 18 years? Are you interested in helping MS researchers at the University of Limerick to examine the factors that are associated with physical activity levels among people with MS?
Aim of Study
The aim of this study is to look closely at the various factors that are associated with different levels of physical activity and exercise among people with MS. This information, in turn will be used to develop new improved exercise programmes for people with MS.
We will also use this information to write a report on physical activity levels among people with MS in Ireland- this report will be the first of its nature in Ireland and will be publically available through MS Ireland channels.
Who can participate?
We are inviting people with MS who of all levels of physical activity to take part. So you do not have to be a physically active person to take part. Also, there are no restrictions in terms of mobility- whether you walk independently, or with a stick or frame or you use a wheelchair for mobility. So you do not have to be able to walk to take part in this study.
*Many of you will have completed this survey 6 months ago and now we would like to ask you the same questions- in order to see if your physical activity levels have changed and if so, why have they changed?*
If you chose to take part, you will be asked to complete an online survey. Completion of this survey will take around 30 minutes, it is important to take the time to fill it in completely.
Further reading
- More information from
- Download information leaflet (.pdf, 259KB)
Get in touch
For more information please contact Dr. Sara Hayes
Call 061-234861or email