Working with MS : Employees

Advice for Employees: Working With MS

If you are currently working, seeking work or considering a change in career, this page provides information and tips to help you navigate the world of employment. If you would like to speak to someone to discuss your personal situation, our network of regional community workers are available through the country. The contact information for the regional community worker in your region can be found here.

Your rights as an employee

MS can affect the ability of a person to carry out certain types of work. Some people find no need for any changes to their job or working pattern, others benefit from some tailored adjustments, and some may decide to change jobs to something more suitable or choose to leave employment. Employment Equality Acts include obligations for employers to make reasonable accommodations for people living with disability. Further information on this can be found on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission website by clicking here

Partial Capacity Benefit

Partial Capacity Benefit is a social welfare scheme which allows you to return to work or self-employment (if you have reduced capacity to work) and continue to receive a payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). You can find out more about this on the Citizens Information website by clicking here.

How to qualify:

  • The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection states that you may qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit if your restriction on capacity for work is assessed as moderate, severe, or profound. If it is assessed as mild you will not qualify.
  • To qualify for Partial Capacity Benefit, you need to be currently getting either:
    • Illness Benefit (for a minimum of 6 months)
    • Invalidity Pension
  • You may not work until you've received written approval from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
  • You can earn any amount and work as many hours as you wish. You can work in a self-employed capacity while getting Partial Capacity Benefit
  • You can get Partial Capacity Benefit and a Half-Rate Carer's Allowance together, but you cannot get Partial Capacity Benefit and Working Family Payment (WFP) (formerly known as Family Income Supplement) together.

To Apply

  • Contact Partial Capacity Benefit Team via Phone:(01)7043300 and they will send you an application form.
  • Once completed, send the application to: or postal address to: Floor 2 Áras Mhic Dhiarmada, Store Street, Dublin 1

Other allowances and Benefits

The National Disability Authority by clicking here.

Citizens Information by clicking here. 


case work
A person typing on a laptop at a desk

Section 2: Telling your employer that you’re living with MS:

Telling your employer that you are living with MS may or may not be something you feel comfortable with. Some people feel safe discussing their condition with their employer as it may lead to an open and constructive dialogue that may benefit them in the long-term. For others, they may not be ready or willing to discuss their personal health details with their employer or colleagues. It is important to remember that you are not required to disclose this information and should only do so if you are comfortable. Having a chronic health condition should not exclude you from job opportunities or progression for which you are qualified.


John Lee Work

Telling your employer can be difficult and daunting. If you have made the decision to tell your employer, remember it can be confidential between you and your HR manager, or whomever you report to. Some people confide in colleagues for support, others do not. It is all about approaching it in a way that makes you most comfortable. Requesting a private meeting with your employer / HR representative is a good first step. If you are nervous, we would recommend writing a few points down to refer to in the meeting.

 It is important to be prepared in the event your employer might have some questions. If you are happy to answer those questions, then you should do so or tell them you can follow-up via email or with some literature.  Most people who seek to tell their employer do so with the aim of starting an open communication about their condition and being clear about their needs.

Section 3: Getting further advice

Ava Battles standing looking towards the camera.

"Navigating the workplace can be incredibly frustrating for many people living with MS in Ireland. Our experience has shown that MS is often be misunderstood, and many Irish employers may be unfamiliar with the condition.

This project seeks to inform employers about the small steps they can take to ensure their workplace is better set-up to accommodate people living with MS and other chronic conditions. We know that living with MS can be difficult without having to campaign for appropriate work environments, so we are proud to provide a resource that can do that on their behalf."

Ava Battles, CEO, MS Ireland
