Treating and Managing MS

Treating and Managing MS
Managing the symptoms and effects of MS can often be achieved using a variety of medical and non-medical interventions. In addition, a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet, regular exercise and the reduction of stress can also help. It is extremely important that all treatments or interventions are discussed with your neurologist as they can best advise on what is most suitable to the individual.
Medical Treatments & Interventions
Medical treatments for MS concentrate on:
• Managing symptoms
• Reducing inflammation during relapses (steroids)
• Changing the course of the condition (disease modifying therapies)
Disease modifying therapies (DMTs) are generally only used in relapsing-remitting MS. Progressive forms of MS do not respond to most currently licenced disease modifying therapies, though one drug has now been licensed to treat primary progressive MS and other treatment options may become available in the near future.
Managing Symptoms
Symptoms are treated as and when they appear. The use and benefit of these treatments differ from person to person due to the unpredictable nature of MS and the variance in the presence, severity, and duration of symptoms. It is therefore very important to seek advice from a neurologist before starting any treatment.
Browse the below sections to learn more on symptoms and how to manage them.

Be Wellbeing Wise
Practice gratitude, have a daily routine, connect with others. Some of these points may help you to take positive steps to maintain wellbeing.