MS Wellness


MS Wellness

It is important to look after yourself. We have developed this information on MS and wellness to provide people living with multiple sclerosis, their families and carers access to information, tips and tricks to support wellbeing. 

MS Wellness content is developed by Novartis on behalf of MS Ireland.

Image of a lady in blue jeans and a light top reclined on a chair with her feet resting on a stool with white curtains in the background.


Making time to relax can bring health benefits for everyone, including those with MS. Relaxation is an active skill that requires practice. 

Two individuals sitting and using hand gestures.

Mental Health

Anxiety disorders are three times more common in MS than in the general population. It is linked to decreased social interaction, increased alcohol use, increased levels of pain and may even impact cognitive skills.(1)

MS Lifehacks

Graphic of a lint roller on a green circular background.

Tired of dust and bugs? 

Use a lint roller for low-effort cleaning
Graphic of a woman with red hair doing a standing yoga pose on one foot.

Find depth perception hard?

Cover furniture corners with bubble wrap to protect from sharp bumps.
Graphic of a stained white t-shirt on a green circular background.

Struggle scrubbing stains from clothes?

Spritz hairspray, leave for 10 minutes and wipe
Graphics of yellow blocks in a circle on a green background.

Trouble untangling jewellery?

Sprinkle with baby powder and pull apart with a pin
Graphic of three brown boxes on a green background.

Need things to be easily accessible?

Use shoeboxes as drawer dividers
Graphic of a yellow scissors cutting a dark green leaf on a light green circular background.

Motor skills make chopping difficult?

Switch from a knife to scissors when chopping herbs

This content is supported by Novartis                                                                                                               

May 2020 IE02/NEU20-CNF032
