
Displaying 1271 - 1280 of 1744 Articles
Aoife Kirwan
29 Oct 2014

Before MS I...

Before MS I really took my health for granted. I rarely went to the doctor. I was afraid of needles. I didn't think about what I ate or what time I ate it. I took little things for granted like ticking 'no' when asked if I had any known medical conditions. I guess I never really had to consider these things before and each first that came along really got to me. When shopping for car insurance after my diagnosis I wasn't able to get many quotes online because I had to tick 'yes' to the medical condition. There are more obstacles in the way... extra paperwork!

Joan Jordan
23 Oct 2014

Depression and MS

Sometimes I wonder how fictional characters would respond if they had a chronic illness like MS. What would Mary Poppins do? Would she keep the chin up and sing a cheerful song- even though the magic umbrella is not what it used to be since the last relapse? Would she get on with her chores even though she is so tired, she could fall asleep on top of a “Chim Chim Cher-ee”?

MS Ireland
22 Oct 2014

MSI does Fiver Friday!

Joe Duffy's Liveline on RTE Radio 1 is once again running Fiver Friday which aims to get people to spend just €5 on products that would usually cost more.

MS Ireland
20 Oct 2014

Could salt worsen MS?

An article appeared in the Irish Independent yesterday which suggested that people with multiple sclerosis may see a worsening of symptoms if their intake of salt is high.
