
Displaying 1291 - 1300 of 1744 Articles
Willeke Van Eeckhoutte
02 Oct 2014

My MS Care Team

From Willeke's own experience her medical team has been pivotal to her care and have been outstanding so far!

22 Sep 2014

Moone Boys launch MS READaTHON

Moone Boy superstars David Rawle and Ian O’Reilly officially kicked off the 2014 MS READaTHON in style at Dublin's oldest bookshop, Hodges Figgis, today. We were thrilled to be joined by our long-term supporters, the fabulous authors and illustrators; Sarah Webb, Marisa Mackle, Mariee Louise Fitzpatrick, Oisin McGann and Anna McPartlin. Also joining us were Finn Donnelly and some lovely pupils from The Children's House, Stillorgan and St Fintan's National School, Sutton.

DFI/MS Ireland
18 Sep 2014

DFI Pre Budget Submission

DFI is urging Government to use this Budget to make the case for an inclusive society that leaves no-one behind. Budget 2015 must break the chain of previous austerity budgets, improving vital services and income supports for people with disabilities, and addressing the growing levels of hardship in which this group unjustly find themselves.
