
Displaying 511 - 520 of 1744 Articles
Niamh McCarron
Niamh McCarron
26 Mar 2020

MS Hopes

This week Niamh McCarron shares her understanding of life with MS, hope and Covid-19

Emma Rogan
Emma Rogan
22 Mar 2020

Mother's Day

Emma Rogan writes about what Mother’s Day will be like this year and how Covid-19 is impacting her. 

Ciara O Meara
Ciara O'Meara
12 Mar 2020

Brain Awareness Week 2020

'I have a saying that where there is uncertainly, doubt and fear there is always hope, dreams and a silver lining. The brain is as clueless to what the future holds just as much as we are but we can help it and nourish it and keep it healthy'. Ciara O'Meara
