
Displaying 1231 - 1240 of 1744 Articles
MS Ireland
19 Jan 2015

NCPE rejects Tecfidera

Following a full assessment, the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics (NCPE) has concluded that Tecfidera is not considered cost-effective and issued a recommendation that Tecfidera should not be reimbursed at the submitted price.

MS Ireland
19 Jan 2015

Galway's Fittest Workplace kicks off!

Galway’s Fittest Workplace kicked off today and has started what we can only call the battle of the businesses! Over the next month nearly forty companies based in Galway will train like they've never trained before to see who take away the much coveted title at the live final on 28th February.

Niamh McCarron
08 Jan 2015

New Year, Healthy Eating

Each New Year sees me making a list of resolutions that I end up forgetting about after a week. Usually things like “I’ll make my bed as soon as I get up”, “I’ll get to the bottom of the laundry basket”, and (the old favourite) “I’ll stop eating crisps and biscuits and stick to healthy, nutritious meals”. It’s usually a half-hearted attempt, I am a lazy lump when it comes to housework and love nothing more than sitting on the couch with a packet (or two) of crisps.

MS Ireland
06 Jan 2015

North East Fundraiser Success

In November 2014, the team at our North East Regional Office joined local businesses, schools and other members of the community in decorating Christmas trees which were then on display at St Maeldoid's Parish Church in Castleblayney, Co Monaghan where the public were invited to make a charity donation.
