
Displaying 1711 - 1720 of 1743 Articles
MS Ireland/Charity 25
17 Nov 2011

Great News from Charity 25

Charity 25's €2WILLDO campaign raises €5975 this quarter for 25 Irish Charities


Charity 25 raised €239 for MS Ireland. MS Ireland is delighted to be part of Charity 25. To support MS Ireland and other charities all you need to do is text: 

Text 2WILLDO and your COUNTY to 57802 (Example: 2WILLDO WATERFORD

Read related article on June 3rd 2011

MS Ireland
14 Nov 2011

Dell Limerick Volunteers at the Midwest Regional Office

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a practise that is as beneficial to a company as it is to a charity or local community...

The MS Ireland Midwest Regional Office recently played host to some very enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers from Dell Limerick as part of their CSR project.

The day was organised by Ciara Hogan of Dell. Ciara’s sister Neasa is a Getting the Balance Right Physiotherapist; the hugely popular exercise programme run by MS Ireland through our regional offices and voluntary Branches.

“All the volunteers worked very hard, power hosing, painting main reception room, and cleaning outside of our building. There was a great atmosphere and the sun was shining on the day. Our entrance, decking and main reception area was – looking better than the day we moved in – was like a dream come true for us.”

Carol and Angela, Midwest Regional Office

We are delighted that Dell Limerick chose to engage with MS Ireland and the volunteer crew will be back in the Midwest Regional Office soon to continue their great work!

The volunteers: Ciara Hogan, Eoghan Deegan, Andy Costelloe, Ciaran Crotty, Mike Kavanagh, Bobby Sexton, Brendan Boland, Jay Coleman, Kevin Browne, Liam Wallace, John Fleming, Kevin O’Connell, Niall Shanahan, Aminata Leye, Niall Keating, Dermot Walsh, Andrey Chikunov.

Biogen Idec
17 Oct 2011

Mobility Matters

Campaign launched to highlight importance of Impaired Mobility in Multiple Sclerosis


According to new research released today (Monday, 17th October 2011) 54% of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are very or extremely affected by decreased mobility in terms of their quality of life.  The research was announced at the launch of a new campaign supported by Biogen Idec and MS Ireland entitled ‘Mobility Matters in MS’. Mobility impairment is one of the most physically and emotionally disruptive aspects of MS as it restricts daily life, can result in a loss of independence and can affect a patient’s ability to work. 

Over 7,000 people and families live with MS across Ireland. MS is a progressive neurological condition that can affect a person’s health, lifestyle and relationships. While mobility is the main factor affecting patients’ day-to-day living, the condition also greatly impacts other areas of their lives.

- 55% of respondents say they are extremely / very affected by decreased daily living activities

- 54% say they are extremely / very affected by decreased mobility

- 53% claim to be very / extremely affected by decreased sexual function

Speaking at the launch of the campaign today, Ava Battles, Chief Executive of MS Ireland said “MS Ireland welcomes the launch of Biogen Idec’s Mobility Matters in MS campaign. Through our ‘Getting The Balance Right’ programme we have delivered thousands of physiotherapy and exercise related programmes we really understand how important mobility is for people with Multiple Sclerosis. The Mobility Matters in MS website is a valuable resource for patients and healthcare professionals alike, as well as carers, family and friends. The site has a combination of practical tips on managing everyday tasks, as well as advice on what people with MS can do to be as mobile as possible.”

Consultant Neurologist Chris McGuigan at St Vincent’s University Hospital Dublin said, “People with MS can improve their mobility in many ways. Apart from maintaining their general health in terms of diet and exercise, it’s important for them to recognise the areas, which are posing the greatest challenges so that they can be addressed. Common problem areas with mobility include balance, poor vision and impaired sensation in feet and legs. Access to structured physical and occupational therapy, with additional medication where appropriate, can help improve safety when walking.”

To read full press release click here.

Our friend Anne Marie Hayden features in 'Real Lives’ a series of patient videos which provide a first-hand account of the issue of mobility. View here

To support the campaign, a new website, has been developed, providing advice and encouragement to people with MS on how to maintain and increase their mobility.

MS Ireland
17 Oct 2011

Opinions Needed: Sativex and the Medicinal Use of Cannabis

Earlier in the year MS Ireland wrote to the Minister for Health and Children Dr James Reilly regarding the licensing of Sativex, a cannabis based drug to treat spasticity for people with MS.

The oral spray is available in the UK and other countries but not in Ireland. The department is now considering the matter and we will be making a representation to them on behalf of our members and clients.

We would love to hear the comments, views and experiences of the MS community so please email us, confidentially, on No personal information will disseminated. 
