
Displaying 291 - 300 of 1744 Articles
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
31 May 2022

The Art of MS – Symptoms Under the Spotlight

Over 9,000 people are currently living with Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland. These individuals face a plethora of broad ranging symptoms, ranging from the visible, such as tremors, speech difficulties, issues with coordination and balance; to the invisible, such as fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety and cognitive disruptions.To coincide with World MS Day this 30th May 2022, MS Ireland in partnership with Novartis Ireland, are pleased to present this unique collection of original artworks, created exclusively by people living with MS.

From paintings, digital illustrations, freestanding sculptures and creative video content, the artists have utilised their chosen format to illustrate the symptoms they experience and the impact on their lives. The collection explores themes of bodily integration, self-image and changing identities with a palpable vulnerability that invites viewers to consider the artist’s perspective. It is hoped this self-reflexive examination raises awareness of the sheer diversity of potential symptoms by providing insight into the reality of living with MS.

The exhibition is open to the public from Thursday 26 May to Wednesday 1 June inclusively in the main foyer of Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute on Pearse Street, Dublin.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
28 May 2022

World MS Day 2022

World MS Day 2022 is almost upon us! How will you be celebrating the most important day on the calendar for the MS Community throughout the world?

Get involved in the campaign by using the #MSconnections hashtag on social, or email our comms team Check out all the global events happening below.

MS Ireland
23 May 2022

Lead up to World MS Day

Today marks exactly a week from World MS Day!!

In preparation for next Monday, MS Ireland has a wide selection of different events on over the next week to get you all excited and ready for World MS Day consisting of four radio features, multiple coffee mornings, an Art Exhibition and much more.

Find information on these events below!

Photograph of Seamus Burke
Seamus Burke
20 May 2022

My MS Story

Our most famous son is none other than Monsignor James Horan, dreamer and instigator of the creation of Ireland West Airport (Knock). He as parish priest of Knock was instrumental in developing Knock as a Marian Shrine and the Basilica there. ​My MS journey started in 2001 when I was diagnosed as having Primary Progressive. My MS journey started in 2001 when I was diagnosed as having Primary Progressive. Back then there was no specific treatment for that type of MS so I just had to carry on as if everything was normal . My mantra to overcome MS has always been “Failure is not an option". Any challenges MS threw at me were always overcome.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
19 May 2022

New online Health promoting physical activity programme to launch in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.

Galway, May 17th 2022: Active Neuro offers evidence-based health promoting physical activity programmes for adults living with neurological conditions in the community. The pilot project was funded by the Slaintecare Integration Fund in the Mid-West and Multiple Sclerosis Ireland are currently rolling out this service for people in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon with the support of the HSE disability services in CHO-2. 

Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
19 May 2022

Part II- Why are you still blocking our way to equality?

Last week (Part I) Rosie Farrell wrote about changing how we view and talk about disability to bring change & acceptance as part of someone’s life experience. This acceptance is part of creating personal, societal and systemic change so accessibility & equality become basic standards in Irish society. Read on for Part II: Why are you still blocking our way to equality

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
18 May 2022

New online Health promoting physical activity programme to launch in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.

Active Neuro offers evidence-based health promoting physical activity programmes for adults living with neurological conditions in the community. The pilot project was funded by the Slaintecare Integration Fund in the Mid-West and Multiple Sclerosis Ireland are currently rolling out this service for people in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon with the support of the HSE disability services in CHO-2. 

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
18 May 2022

World MS Day Featured Jumpers

MS Ireland are delighted to announce that our MS Ireland Branded Jumpers are now available to buy as a limited-edition item in aid of our fundraising efforts for World MS Day. We have a total of 250 jumpers ranging in sizes available from S to XXL.  

We will be selling these jumpers in Aid of our fundraising efforts for World MS Day. The jumper is a featured item on our online shop, containing artwork from one our artists Lauren White Murphy who will be taking part in our World MS Day Art Exhibition

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
17 May 2022

MS Ireland’s 2022 Annual National Awards

Applications are now open for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland's annual awards. Nominate someone special today.

It is a great honour to be nominated for the national awards so we would encourage Branches, individual members and staff members to nominate members who they feel deserve recognition. 

Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
12 May 2022

Part I- My disability is not a tragedy, and I am not a burden

My disability is not a tragedy and I am not a burden. I am not to be pitied and most of all I am not an inspiration just because I live with MS.

My MS and disability is just one part of who I am. It is part of my identity, just like gender, sexuality, race or religion may be part of yours. Yet society rarely sees it that way. And for a very long time I did not see it that way either.
