
Displaying 1051 - 1060 of 1711 Articles
Joan Jordan
19 Nov 2015

Reporting Side Effects of Your Medication

I was on my way to pick up the kids from soccer practice the other day when I realised I had forgotten my phone! It was too late to make it back home to retrieve it and as it turned out, I had to wait a while for the final whistle. With my only other option being the car manual, I decided to re-read the package leaflet for my MS meds. Every time I get a new pack, I toss the tiny paper concertina aside and pop the plastic bubble to get my daily dose. I had read the entire thing when I started taking them almost two years ago and to be honest- it was tough going.

Helen Farrell
29 Oct 2015

Nursing Care

IMMA, otherwise known as the Museum of Modern Art in Kilmainham, always makes me imagine the dignified ghosts of old army pensioners sitting around the courtyard of the Royal Hospital in their distinctive Chelsea-pensioner red uniforms of ex-servicemen. There is a soothing feeling about the place; that of a job done, of rest, of a routine of predictable meals and duties. I am just being fanciful; I’ve never encountered anything there but modern art, but it does make me wonder about what it was like to live in the routine and care of an  old institution. 
