
Displaying 241 - 250 of 1710 Articles
Alison Cotter
Alison Cotter
03 Aug 2022

MS Ireland Pre budget Submission : How you can help

Recently MS Ireland Submitted our Pre Budget Submission which you can read in full here

Summary of key asks for Budget 2023

  • An increase of €600,000 in annual investment in the National MS Care Centre
  • Sustainable funding for national physiotherapy services for people with Multiple Sclerosis, and other neurological conditions totalling €880,000 per annum across all 9 CHOs
  • Provision of a further 100 neurology nurses in order to address unacceptable waiting periods, delays with diagnosis and treatment, with at least 20 to be provisioned in Budget 2023
  • MS Ireland echoes the budget recommendations of Family Carers Ireland, the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland.
Shirley MCgiff
Shirley McGiff
28 Jul 2022

Shirley McGiff 10,000 Steps

My name is Shirley I'm 47 years old and I am living in Monkstown, Dublin. I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS 4 years ago now first receiving my diagnosis on the 4th of July 2018. Being diagnosed felt like a relief, it wasn't really a huge shock to me as my Aunt Jo had been living with MS. I had a feeling a year before my diagnosis as I was experiencing symptoms for a while, blurred vision, vertigo, and weakness in arms were the main ones. 

Alison Cotter
28 Jul 2022

Exergames for Exercise Research

Liam Morrissey Msc. Ergonomics student at the University of Derby is conducting a study exploring the impact and usability of using exergames for exercise in MS patients.

Alison Cotter
26 Jul 2022

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland Pre-Budget Submission 2023

Summary of key asks for Budget 2023

  • An increase of €600,000 in annual investment in the National MS Care Centre
  • Sustainable funding for national physiotherapy services for people with Multiple Sclerosis, and other neurological conditions totalling €880,000 per annum across all 9 CHOs
  • Provision of a further 100 neurology nurses in order to address unacceptable waiting periods, delays with diagnosis and treatment, with at least 20 to be provisioned in Budget 2023
  • MS Ireland echoes the budget recommendations of Family Carers Ireland, the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland.
MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
11 Jul 2022

Falls Prevention Study

University College Limerick are conducting a study with the aim of gaining consensus on a core outcome set for evaluating mixed diagnosis falls prevention interventions for people with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Stroke (information sheet below). Participation would include the completion of a maximum of three survey rounds (which take approximately 15 minutes) and optional attendance at an online meeting where the final core outcome set will be agreed. If you are interested in taking part please email


MS Ireland Logo
Mike Stapleton
24 Jun 2022

My Experience as a carer

The idea of life as a carer can be scary. It wasn’t a role I necessarily ever saw myself in but when my wife, Kathleen was diagnosed with MS 22 years ago I knew that no matter what she needed from me – I would do anything in my power to support her. I have never seen caring for Kathleen as a choice. When she needs me, I am there.

MS & Me Bloggers Nadia Christine and Maggie
Christine Murphy
16 Jun 2022


Having a chronic incurable illness like MS can be a lonely experience. As much as those who don't have it do their best to understand it, only other MSers will truly 'get it'. I was offered three sessions with a counsellor after I was diagnosed but I remember sitting and wondering what do say to this nice woman who doesn't have MS but is here to help me? Maybe I just wasn't ready, but I was curious to meet other people around the same age. To see how they were coping. I did eventually.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
14 Jun 2022

Andy Walsh Climb with Charlie

“Everyone has their own personal mountains to climb. We never know what is around the corner” Charlie Bird said after his global Croagh Patrick fundraiser. Charlie’s journey has been amazing and when he spoke that night on The Late Late about his dream to climb the Reek, something tingled inside Andy Walsh’s body, but it wasn’t one of his usual MS Sensory symptoms, this was something different.

In March 2020, Andy was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and a journey began, alongside a world that was just getting to grips with the Coronavirus pandemic, he began to climb his own personal mountain.
