
Displaying 531 - 540 of 1710 Articles
Niamh McCarron
Niamh McCarron
01 Aug 2019

The “Right” MS Drug

When it comes to managing MS, I’ve found that you could spend the rest of your life reading medical articles, blogs, Dr Google (not advised!) and some absolutely bonkers theories about medication and therapies. I know I am not the first, and won’t be the last, a person with MS who has gone down a rabbit hole of links online, leaping from one website to another. Looking at websites that tell me what I should be doing and ending up no further along than I was about 4 hours ago, when I had innocently decided “I’ll just read this one wee article”.


Emma Rogan
Emma Rogan
27 Jun 2019


Emma Rogan writes about Pride. The MS community is a mix of humanity- straight, LGBTI, different ethnicities, cultures and experiences. For Emma, the power of the MS community, the value of being visible and the progress in patient empowerment is worth celebrating. 
