
Displaying 761 - 770 of 1711 Articles
Joan Jordan
24 Aug 2017

Choosing The Right Treatment

How do you make your decisions? We all know how being better informed means better decision-making but we don't always get the information we need. This week from the MS & Me archive series Joan Jordan talks about the importance of being well informed about MS drug treatments and medications.

Willeke Van Eeckhoutte
10 Aug 2017

The Neurology Waiting Room

This week from the MS & Me archives series Willeke Van Eeckhoutte discusses people waiting, wondering, dreading, hoping from the Neurology waiting room.

MS Ireland
03 Aug 2017

Cannabis Access Programme - Update

Expert Reference Group developing clinical guidelines for the access programme

In February, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) released a report which recommended the establishment of an access programme for medicinal cannabis products for certain named conditions including spasticity associated with MS. MS Ireland cautiously welcomed the HPRA report, whilst still expressing concern that the efficacy, safety and quality of non-pharmaceutical products cannot be guaranteed. MS Ireland nonetheless recognises that many people with MS will welcome the opportunity to be able to legally access such products through the access programme, when it is established.

Since February, work has been ongoing to establish the programme. The Department of Health convened an Expert Reference Group, comprising of representation from the areas of Oncology, Palliative care, Anaesthesiology, General Practice, Adult Neurology, Paediatric Neurology, Multiple Sclerosis, Psychiatry, Pharmacy, Patients, Ethics, Health Technology Assessment and the Health Products Regulator. 

The Expert Reference Group have been working on draft clinical guidance for the cannabis access programme. MS Ireland were invited to provide feedback on these guidelines. A summary of our response is below. MS Ireland will keep all our stakeholders updated on any further developments regarding the access programme. 

Read the summary of our response here

Declan Groeger
27 Jul 2017

MS Guilt

This week from the MS & Me archives series - Declan Groeger discusses MS guilt.
