New Research Study on Adjustment to MS
Volunteers Needed to understand people's experiences with adjustment to Multiple Sclerosis. For all the information on this study and how to get involved click HERE
New survey launched by the International Progressive MS Alliance
Why is it important for people affected by MS to be actively involved in research?
UCD Protein and Exercise Programme For Older Adults Research Study
Are you 70+ and living at home? Eating less than usual? Want to get stronger?
Update: MS Biomarkers Study
MS Biomarkers Study at the University of Galway interim progress report
Update: Exploring Couples’ Shared Experiences of Multiple Sclerosis
Interim progress report
The Dean Medal Travel Bursary 2023
Applications Now CLOSED
A travel bursary to encourage the understanding of MS among young researchers, in memory of Geoffrey Dean, MD (1918 – 2009)
Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) Survey
European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) alongside 25 national MS Societies and with the support and leadership of MS experts across Europe, will be leading on this research project titled Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (IMSS) survey to shed light on the symptoms of MS, their prevalence and severity and how they are being managed across Europe.
Join University of Strathclyde Research Study
How common are communication problems in progressive motor conditions and what impact do they have on people's lives.