Pins and Needles

When people hear that I have MS, they often ask about the affects of the illness, and its symptoms.

MS has many symptoms and we’re told that everyone’s experience is different, that each of us have different ones to contend with. 

I have symptoms all the time. Numbness, tingling, joint stiffness and blurry eyes to name a few... no two days are the same.  

I’ve gotten use to most of them and I can honestly say there are days when I don’t notice them at all. It’s amazing how my body has adjusted and adapted to accommodate them.

On a good day I’m not aware of my MS. On a not-so-good day I definitely know I have MS. And that is thanks to the pins and needles that inhabit my feet and hands on and off. In particular, in my left foot and toes. They really like hanging out there!

If you’ve ever slept funny on your arm or sat awkwardly with your legs curled up under you, you’ve probably had pins and needles before. You’ve probably spent a frantic few moments shaking out your arm or stamping your foot until they go away.  

I get pins and needles like that but without warning or explanation. I’ll be sitting at my desk, working away happily, when all of a sudden I’ll get a hit. My feet will go tingly, before the tingles - which isn't always unpleasant then it turns into full-blown pins and needles. Ouch!! There is nothing like standing up, and realising you can’t put any weight on your foot to walk. They are uncomfortable at best, painful at worst and embarrassing when you’re in public!

Like a lot of MS symptoms I’ve found that pins and needles hang around until they decide they’re done with you. There’s no quick fix. Stretching out my limbs and having a good shake won’t make them go away, although it relieves them somewhat. Luckily I don’t get them daily but if you see me out and about stamping my foot, chances are they’ve popped in for a visit.

If you’re interested you can learn more about MS Symptoms here.

Thanks for reading!


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