MS & Me

Displaying 361 - 370 of 469 Articles
Declan Groeger
15 Oct 2015

Hobbies, Pastimes, Interests

Hobbies, or pastimes, are an important part of life and they take on an even greater significance when living with a debilitating long term illness like Multiple Sclerosis. It is also important to recognise your limitations and to know when a particular hobby is no longer suitable to a particular point in your life cycle. 

Joan Jordan
01 Oct 2015

Parenting and MS

I didn’t know that I had MS when I had my kids. I have an eight year old boy and a ten year old girl. Post diagnosis - I decided not to have any more children for many reasons. I won’t go into them today. That’s another blog entirely. I DO want to share a few tips with you about parenting and MS. Things I have learned the hard way. Things I wish I had been told on day one!

Emma Rogan
18 Sep 2015

Fertility and Pregnancy Part 1 of 2

This week Emma Rogan gives the first of her two parts on Fertility and Pregnancy. “The great news is there is plenty of evidence that confirms pregnancy can be a very good time for women, with absolutely no evidence that a woman’s fertility is affected by having MS”.

Aoife Kirwan
27 Aug 2015

Young People

These days life as a young person is not without its difficulties. With the economic times we are in, life is hard. Careers are more difficult to embark upon, housing is harder to secure, education isn't as accessible as young people would like. These are issues that can affect people on every level, add a chronic illness on top of that and many people would think life is impossible. Well not the young MSers of today, I hope. While it can be difficult to live with a condition like MS, it doesn't stop anyone from achieving the same things as others, you might just have to go about it a different way. I have spoken to people with MS who have told me that once they received their diagnosis they decided to forget about certain things that they had hoped to achieve in life. The thing is, you can still reach the goals you had set for yourself, and you may just have to rethink how to get to that end point. Sometimes it is the journey you were not expecting to have to make, ends up being the most beneficial, the most memorable.  

Niamh McCarron
20 Aug 2015

The Early Signs

Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Not sure who said that, but they knew their stuff. Looking back, I can now see that I had MS symptoms long before I was diagnosed. Lots of things that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, which niggled away at my thoughts and feelings. 
