MS & Me
Waiting on Tests Results!
A few months ago, a letter arrived from the hospital. I ripped it open- “an appointment has been arranged for you to attend the Ocular Toxicity Clinic. In this clinic, potential ocular side-effects you may have from the medication you are taking will be assessed”. I know that they are checking for Macular Oedema, which occurs when fluid and protein deposits collect on or under the macula of the eye, causing it to thicken and swell. Yikes! First my noggin and now my peepers?????
My New Year's Resolutions
As January 2015 steadily moves forward, I’m still reassessing old goals, opportunities and of course, trying to remove negative habits.
New Year, Healthy Eating
Each New Year sees me making a list of resolutions that I end up forgetting about after a week. Usually things like “I’ll make my bed as soon as I get up”, “I’ll get to the bottom of the laundry basket”, and (the old favourite) “I’ll stop eating crisps and biscuits and stick to healthy, nutritious meals”. It’s usually a half-hearted attempt, I am a lazy lump when it comes to housework and love nothing more than sitting on the couch with a packet (or two) of crisps.
Go Your Own Way
This week, Emma Rogan looks back on the year of MS and Me and reflects on the paths we take through life.
Christmas with MS
In this week's MS and Me blog Joan looks at big hetic life events like Christmas when you have MS. She said 'This is not meant to be a sad blog. It’s about admitting that stuff happens during the year but lots of amazing, wonderful and unexpected things happen too'
Sleep vs Rest
'I go to bed tired, I wake tired, I slog through the day tired…' Trevis Gleason explores the difference between sleep and rest'.
Bladder Dysfunction
There’s something about bodily functions dysfunctioning that strikes fear into all of us. Bladder and bowel control are one of the earliest things we learn as a toddler. They’re possibly one of the last things to go if we get very, very old or ill. In the middle of all that are people desperately hiding bladder or bowel problems while trying to look normal. Some are left with dodgy waterworks after a traumatic birth, or men can experience prostate problems as they get older. It’s estimated that over 300,000 Irish adults experience overactive bladder problems.