MS & Me

Displaying 61 - 70 of 466 Articles
Joan Jordan
Joan Jordan
02 Jun 2022

Going Out!

Once COVID-19 lockdown was over, I swore that I was going to get back into the swing of things and life on the Outside. All those months of tracksuit and facemask wearing were over! I had watched pretty much everything on Netflix. I did get a dose of the virus but thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Lockdown had taken its toll in general though- both physically and mentally. I still can't say the words "home schooling" without shuddering.

Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
19 May 2022

Part II- Why are you still blocking our way to equality?

Last week (Part I) Rosie Farrell wrote about changing how we view and talk about disability to bring change & acceptance as part of someone’s life experience. This acceptance is part of creating personal, societal and systemic change so accessibility & equality become basic standards in Irish society. Read on for Part II: Why are you still blocking our way to equality

Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
12 May 2022

Part I- My disability is not a tragedy, and I am not a burden

My disability is not a tragedy and I am not a burden. I am not to be pitied and most of all I am not an inspiration just because I live with MS.

My MS and disability is just one part of who I am. It is part of my identity, just like gender, sexuality, race or religion may be part of yours. Yet society rarely sees it that way. And for a very long time I did not see it that way either.

Nadia Anshasi
05 May 2022

Initial Diagnosis - ‘Have you heard of MS?’

I’ve lived with MS for almost a decade now and I’ve encountered numerous other people living with MS, most of whom have gone on to become very good friends of mine. One of the first topics of conversation between friends with MS is the initial diagnosis of their condition.

The when/where/how of their journey with MS. These stories can vary greatly depending on the stage of life, the family circumstances, and the financial circumstances of the person around the time that they were diagnosed.

MS & Me blogger Maggie Green
Maggie Green
28 Apr 2022

Over Stretching Myself - Societal Pressures and MS

I was diagnosed in October of 2016. The diagnosis changed me, it made me less confident, less self-assured, more self-conscious and very worried for my future. I didn’t feel like myself any more. I had always been very independent, I didn’t want MS to rob me of that. I wanted to be able to take care of my children, I wanted to be able to provide for them. I wanted my life to just stay the same. I didn’t realise back then that things would have to change to accommodate this new addition to our lives

Ciara O Meara
Ciara O'Meara
07 Apr 2022

Navigating MS Through The World of Social Media: Steering Away From Dr. Google

I like to think of myself as a ‘Neurologist’s Nightmare’ – a nurse by trade, with an interest in neurology and a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis to boot. I can nearly sense the dread before I open the clinic door. I come armed with questions – “But why?”, “But why not” and  with new research articles, new treatment guidelines that I want to share and discuss. Education is empowerment – the more we know the more confident we can be in our disease management and in our own health care decisions.

Willeke Van Eeckhoutte 2021
Willeke Van Eeckhoutte
31 Mar 2022

Covid and MS: Adapting? Again?

I presume you are fed up hearing about the now, not so novel coronavirus. In fact, I am willing to bet that most of us stopped being cognitively inclined to remember which variant is currently travelling around the world at free will. 'Life with COVID-19' as the government now wants us to call the pandemic, has been a trial of mental and emotional gymnastics since the day Ireland was officially added to the global list of coronavirus-targets.

And 'life with' is simply exhausting.

Christina McDonald
24 Mar 2022

Mother's Day

This year's Mother’s Day is a tough one for me. I lost my beautiful Mam on New Year’s morning after a brief illness. The first of everything is always the hardest. My dad died suddenly last year too, both parents aged 60. It's tough but I want to spend this Mother’s Day remembering all the precious years I had with my mam. 

MS & Me Bloggers Nadia Christine and Maggie
Christine Murphy
03 Mar 2022

MS and Identity

“I have MS, but MS hasn't got me” was the catchphrase bandied about by the MS Community circa the year 2000. Have you got MS or has MS got you? 

When I was diagnosed, I fell into the latter camp. I over-identified with having MS. In my own head, I was this tragic creature diagnosed in her prime. Instead of being a person who just happened to have a condition, illness, disease or whatever you want to call it, I became this vulnerable, scared, delicate being. I became an MS sufferer.
