
Displaying 1041 - 1050 of 1744 Articles
The UCD School of Medicine/MS Ireland
29 Feb 2016

UCD School of Medicine Patient Educator Programme

The UCD School of Medicine is delighted to partner with MS Ireland in order to expand our Patient Educator Programme, which currently involves educators that were recruited with the help of Arthritis Ireland and the Irish Society for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

MS Ireland
26 Feb 2016

Dean Medal Award

In 2016, a second award was made to Dr Nonnie McNicholas from St Vincent’s Hospital who is planning to travel to the 'Karolinska Instituet' in Sweden to further her research into to the measurement of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers indicative of disease progression in people with MS.

Declan Groeger
25 Feb 2016


This week Declan Groeger questions those amongst us who think Disable Parking spaces are a free-for-all.

Helen Farrell
18 Feb 2016

Partners of MS

Partners of MS are those people in our lives who travel some of the road with us. They hope for the best for us, worry with us and rejoice with us when things go our way. Nobody is perfect and people can sometimes let us down. I wonder how many of you experienced a loss similar to mine when roughly 50% of my so-called friends melted away after I was diagnosed? If a friend of mine at age 25 had been diagnosed with MS, would I have been any different? I would like to think I would have been helpful and caring and not let the diagnosis change my friendship, but who can tell for certain? MS can be a great clearer of deadwood and the friends that remain are so wonderful. Quite a few relationships went the same way in those early days of MS. One abruptly ended the first day I had to rest up due to MS; it was an instantanous deal-breaker. It really decimated my sense of self for a long time. Many relationships break down amongst ordinary people but the potential toll on our relationships can be much higher when one of us has MS. Sometimes we have just had the misfortune to partner or befriend a jerk; that can happen anyone. 
