
Displaying 971 - 980 of 1744 Articles
Trevis Gleason
11 Aug 2016

Our MS Library

Sure, the MS & Me blog is an online resource but our bloggers still have a collection of old-fashioned books on how to live a better life….and just for fun 

Aoife Kirwan
04 Aug 2016

My MS Nurse

This week Aoife Kirwan talks about the positive impact MS nurses have on the lives of people with MS. Recently, the hospital she attends lost this service and she tells us how this has affected her life. 

All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC)
02 Aug 2016


Do you want to make a difference for people with an illness or condition which may limit or shorten their lives?

MS Ireland
29 Jul 2016

New Drug Pricing Deal

On 20th July, the Government announced details of a new agreement with the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) on the supply of medicines that will reduce the costs paid by the HSE. It is estimated that the new agreement will save €600 million in total over four years. Minister for Health Simon Harris said:

Joan Jordan
28 Jul 2016

My MS Passion Piece: Choosing the Right Drug

How do you make your decisions? We all know how being better informed means better decision-making but we don't always get the information we need. Today Joan talks about the importance of being well informed about MS drug treatments and medications.
