
Displaying 81 - 90 of 1744 Articles
MS Ireland
01 May 2024

Update: Facebook Fundraising Pages

We received news from Meta that Facebook fundraising pages will no longer be available after July 1st. If you've already set up a page, you can continue raising funds until June 30th. 

MS Care Centre
MS Ireland
01 May 2024

Spring Appeal for the MS Care Centre

The MS Care Centre is the only dedicated respite centre for people with Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland and is a place for residents to learn more about their MS and find ways to self-manage their condition.

MS Ireland with Kelly
22 Apr 2024

Kelly Ryan Top Fundraiser for The May 50K Challenge

MS Ireland is calling on participants of all ages and abilities to take up the month-long May 50K fitness challenge in May in the run up to World MS Day on May 30th. Kelly Ryan, Limerick, who was diagnosed with MS just last November, will take on the fundraising challenge to support MS Ireland. Kelly is currently the top fundraiser in Ireland.

Image of wooden letters spelling the word Vote
MS Ireland
19 Apr 2024

Your Vote MatterS 2024

With the Local and European elections just around the corner in June, MS Ireland has designed specifically for the MS community a tailored guide to voting and elections. 
