
Displaying 1311 - 1320 of 1744 Articles
Niamh McCarron
21 Aug 2014

My Relapse

I think I have an aversion to the World Cup. In July 2010 I ended up in hospital, and was subsequently diagnosed, with MS. Roll on 4 years, and I was back. I was in a different hospital, and the relapse was totally different than my previous one, but the drill was the same. 

MS Ireland
19 Aug 2014

Charity night for MSI!

Join longtime MS Ireland supporter Deric Hartigan as he leaves the 3e studios to MC a charity night for us in Balbriggan. Joining him will be a set from singer Joe McCaul and band Proper Order in what's sure to be a night for your diaries!

Aoife Kirwan
14 Aug 2014

A Letter to Me

Recently I took a trip with some of my fellow bloggers to Lisbon. During a chat over coffee with one of the ladies the subject of  "When I was diagnosed" came up. It inspired me to go rooting though my college boxes when I got home and I found a notebook I had while I was going through the diagnostic process. When I think back to that time I tell myself that I remember every thought and every feeling I had. Well it turns out that I don't. When I was reading over my written ramblings I felt as if it was written by a different person. Life really has moved on so far in the short 3 years since I was diagnosed. I read about the fears I had, the feelings I experiences and the thoughts that came to me. The trauma of the diagnosis had given me such a distorted view of my life and my future. I thought I was fine, but looking back it was an extremely traumatic time in my life. I was wasting energy thinking about something that might never happen. This got me thinking about the advice I would give myself if I could magically send a letter to the past. Here is my letter to me:
