
Displaying 341 - 350 of 1744 Articles
Dearbhla Crosse
25 Nov 2021

Speaking Out - the importance of Disability Activism

There is a fear of disability ingrained in many of us from a young age. Being disabled or sick is seen as abnormal. Those of us with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) often deny ourselves the joy of participating for fear of being stigmatised. Disability has typically been something to hide as it makes others uncomfortable. Since some MS symptoms are invisible many people choose to conceal their disease as they worry about being treated differently or being isolated. This is further perpetuated by ‘masking’- passing as ‘non-disabled’. Invisible MS is more ‘palatable’ to the ableist world we navigate, which is perhaps why stigma is still so rife.

Niamh McCarron
Niamh McCarron
19 Nov 2021


I’ve just heard a Christmas ad on the radio. I’m sitting at the work-from-home space I’ve carved out in the corner of the sitting room, inside invisible boundary between my working day and evening routine. The sound of the Christmassy jingle startles me and I mutter that it’s a bit early for it, isn’t it?

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
12 Nov 2021

Readathon Avatar Competition


We already have 6 fab avatars who grace our website, but we reckon there’s room for one more. Here’s where you come in. We want you guys to design a new avatar to join the ranks alongside Pearl the Mermaid, Joan of Books the Warrior, Sir Readsalot the Knight, Bookie Monster, Cosmo the Cosmonaut and Dean the Dinosaur.

Nadia Anshasi
12 Nov 2021


What would you say if I told you that the best therapist has four legs and a wagging tail? Or that my best friend likes belly rubs and chasing after cats? You’d probably think I was crazy, but my closest companion happens to be my 8-year-old dog Alfie (he’s also known as Alfred when he gets into trouble!). He’s a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Pug. His breed is more fondly known as a Jug! He’s the resident sock thief and postman patrol in our house and from the day he arrived, he’s left paw prints on all of our hearts.

Robert Joyce 2021
Robert Joyce
04 Nov 2021

MS and Mental Health

Thirty years ago, I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS. There were no treatments and the prospect for my future looked bleak. Mobility problems, the infamous MS hug and chronic fatigue were some of my early symptoms. I was 23 and looking forward to an exciting new career in London and it felt as if this bubble of optimism had been burst. Looking back, I did not have the mental tools to help me with such a life-altering diagnosis.

Declan Groeger
28 Oct 2021

Wheelathon: A moment in time

Whitney Houston sang about wanting ”One moment in time” and I’ve definitely wanted one moment when I’m more than I thought I could be. In fact, I believe that everyone deserves their own ‘moment in time’.

I was 64 on my last birthday and ‘celebrated’ my 33rd MSadversity shortly thereafter. I was never physical or sporty in my pre-MS life. I was never that way driven/focused and was happy just getting along. I never made the school teams, never wanted to climb a mountain or run a marathon but after the gravity of my MS diagnosis sank in, I wanted to keep going as long as I could. I wanted to be the best I could be.

MS & Me Bloggers Nadia Christine and Maggie
Christine Murphy
21 Oct 2021


Would you be interested in reading a work of fiction with a character with MS in it? Or do you read to escape the reality of living with MS and don’t want to be reminded of it? Or maybe you believe it would be good to see more representation - to normalise it as a feature of life many of us have to deal with? There are a number of memoirs by people with MS including our own Trevis Gleeson's 'Chef Interrupted' but I have not come across many novels where the main character has MS. I set out to find out if such novels exist and came across three.

Sarah Condon
Sarah Condon
14 Oct 2021

MS, Exercise and Energy by Sarah Condon

“Energy creates energy”, is something my mum has always said.  I never realised how true this was until I was diagnosed with MS and had none.

Now don’t get me wrong, when fatigue hits me, I’m not jumping out of bed to get some exercise done. Far from it in fact, but ‘energy creates energy’ as a rule is, in general, a good one to follow.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
13 Oct 2021


We are delighted to announce the winners of this year's awards

Our Annual Awards are the Society’s way of recognising the contribution many of our members make within their families, local communities and MS Ireland.
