
Displaying 161 - 170 of 1710 Articles
Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
13 Jul 2023

PART I- My disability is not a tragedy and I am not a burden

My disability is not a tragedy and I am not a burden. I am not to be pitied and most of all I am not an inspiration just because I live with MS.

My MS and disability is just one part of who I am. It is part of my identity, just like gender, sexuality, race or religion may be part of yours. Yet society rarely sees it that way. And for a very long time I did not see it that way either.

Joan Jordan
Joan Jordan
06 Jul 2023

My MRI Experience

I have been diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis for 10 years now. That’s one MRI per year- plus the clinical trial related ones. Let’s say that I have been in a giant, buzzing magnet over 20 times.
