
Displaying 21 - 30 of 66 Articles
MS Ireland
02 May 2017

We Have Lift Off!

Today we launched World MS Day, which takes place on the 30th of May. To kick of our celebrations, Taragh, Sara and Lorraine from the office headed to the Montessori Education Centre on Dublin’s northside, to host an extra special McVitie's Digestive Tea Party! 

MS Ireland
02 May 2017

My Letter To Me

Picture the scene, you’ve gone back in time, to the day you were first diagnosed with MS; standing face to face with your newly diagnosed self. What would you say to yourself on that day?

Declan Groeger
20 Feb 2014

Why Exercise is Important

Baz Luhrmann had one piece of advice that he considered vitally important to give to the class of ’99. He said that if he could only offer one tip for the future it would be to wear sunscreen. He had other tips to offer but the wearing of sunscreen was 'the tip'
