
Displaying 361 - 370 of 1710 Articles
MS Ireland Logo
Pauline McKenna
12 May 2021

MS Information Line

The MS Information platforms provide trusted, confidential spaces to access one to one information tailored to the individual information request regarding any aspect of living with MS.  The Information platforms are open to information requests from anyone with an MS query including people with MS, their families, friends and colleagues and also to professionals involved in providing services to people with MS.

Recently, Pauline McKenna joined the MS Ireland team on the information line.

You can contact Pauline on the  Information Line on 1850233233, and by email at

Change Donations Step by Step
MS Ireland
12 May 2021

Change Donations, May Matching

Last year we teamed up with Change Donations 

Change donations is an easy way to donate digital change to MS Ireland. When you sign up it simply allows you to donate your round-ups from purchases you made with your bank card and automatically help others just by going about your day. Giving every purchase a purpose.

Change Donations makes it easy to round up your digital spare change to grow our efforts. 

Robert Joyce 2021
Robert Joyce
06 May 2021

Assistive Technology

This week Robert Joyce shares his experiences of using assistive technologies and how they help to manage his day to day life.
