
Displaying 341 - 350 of 1710 Articles
Fergal Hughes
Fergal Hughes
15 Jul 2021

My MS today compared to my MS when I was diagnosed

I was diagnosed with MS twenty-five years ago last January.

Twenty-five years! A full quarter of a century!

So, what’s the difference between now compared to the day of my diagnosis? That day in 1996 I was pretty normal, with a very slight numbing sensation in my right shoulder and down my right arm. Today, MS has taken a significant toll on me, leaving me with fatigue, brain fog, a bad (*very* noticeable) limp in my right leg and very frequent bouts of extreme facial pains.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
06 Jul 2021

Prof. Alan Thompson Charcot Award

MS Ireland would like to congratulate Prof. Alan Thompson on winning the 2021 Charcot Award. The Charcot Award recognises a lifetime achievement in outstanding research into understanding and treating MS.  Prof. Thompson who is the Dean of the Faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL in the UK, is a long-time supporter of MS Ireland who has focused his 40-year career on the care and treatment of people living with MS.

Rosie Farrell
Rosie Farrell
01 Jul 2021

Healing brushstrokes

The paints dance across the page, running into each other in ways you hadn’t planned but looking all the more beautiful for it.

It’s like an analogy for life really. No matter what way you plan, life will do its own thing but that doesn’t mean it’ll be any less beautiful and worthwhile

Christina McDonald
24 Jun 2021

Father's Day

This year Father’s Day for me is bittersweet. Last May, I lost my father suddenly aged 60. His departure from this world was shocking and just like MS, it came in the blink of an eye and my whole life changed.

Mary Devereux July 2020
Mary Devereux
17 Jun 2021

Access and MS

When I was asked to write this piece on access my head immediately spun. There are so many topics to choose from such as access to parking, buildings, medications, services …the list is endless!

ln the end I chose how we were accessing the services we need in the new world we are going to be living in. This virus came from nowhere and ripped through our communities.   Our lives have been turned upside down and we’ve had to find new ways of living. The question we need to ask is will some of these changes stay with us even after the pandemic has passed?

Andy Walsh
Andy Walsh
15 Jun 2021

"Lockdown, life put on hold"

“Good morning everyone I need to speak to you about the coronavirus and Covid-19," When the Taoiseach spoke these words live from Washington there was urgency in his words, but I wasn’t listening to them. Well I was, but none of them registered. I was sitting in the ER department of the Galway Clinic and a young doctor had just given me the results of an MRI I had in the previous hour.

“We need to admit you Mr. Walsh, something has shown up in your scan and we need to do more tests” he said. “Is there any history of Multiple Sclerosis in your family?” he asked.

MS Ireland Logo
MS Ireland
11 Jun 2021

World MS Day 2021

World MS Day 2021 took place on Sunday May 30th and the theme of this year's campaign was 'Connections'. In the days leading up to World MS Day and on the day itself MS Ireland was featured in national and regional media on television, radio and print. 

We had some brilliant ambassadors sharing their stories on what life is like living with Multiple Sclerosis all of which you can now read and watch back below.

Dearbhla Crosse
10 Jun 2021

Things I Wish I Had Been Told When I Was Diagnosed With MS

Allow Yourself to Grieve

I trudged on in complete denial for the first four months after the shock of my MS diagnosis. Overloaded with a host of new symptoms, I felt angry for being sick. A guilty narrative played over and over in my head like a depressing Moby track: If only I had taken better care of myself, ‘I’ wouldn’t have created more lesions. I remember going to a restaurant and having complete sensory overload. I became so overheated I had to strip off in the loo and splash myself with water like a complete lunatic.
