
Displaying 91 - 100 of 1743 Articles
Picture of Nadia
Nadia Anshasi
18 Apr 2024

Nadia's Tysabri Thursday Update

Regular readers of MS and Me will have previously learned about my recent switch from Copaxone to Tysabri and all of the upheaval that it brought to my life. While I feel very fortunate to be able to access a second- line treatment, it encompasses a new set of side effects and concerns.

Trevis L Gleason and Emma Rogan
MS Ireland
18 Apr 2024

Watch Back: Living and Writing with MS Webinar

MS Ireland held the first Writers Workshop Webinar on Tuesday, 16th April with Trevis Gleason and Emma Rogan called “Living and Writing with MS”. This webinar will be of interest to anyone interested in the writing process whether you are experienced, a beginner or would love to write but don’t know how to get started.

Mother and Son standing in front of doorway wearing MS Ireland red t-shirt with logo
MS Ireland
16 Apr 2024

Wicklow Man takes Mum on Camino Pilgrimage

With the launch of the Bray Celtic Camino Mouteira on Bray Seafront, last September, to mark the start of the Bray Camino Coastal route to St James’s Church, in Dublin, Jonathon Pierce and his mother, Marion, took the plunge and walked the 30.2km in November. But the journey for mother and son was only beginning.

Dip A Day Challenge
MS Ireland
15 Apr 2024

Take On The Dip A Day Challenge In May

MS Ireland is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest fundraising initiative – the Dip a Day Challenge! This exciting challenge invites participants to dive into action throughout the month of May while supporting the 10,000 people living with MS in Ireland.

UL Logo
University of Limerick - Nicola O’Malley PhD Student
11 Apr 2024

Update: Falls Prevention Study

University College Limerick conducted a study with the aim of gaining consensus on a core outcome set for evaluating mixed diagnosis falls prevention interventions for people with Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Stroke. 

MS & Me Blogger Emma
Emma Valentine
11 Apr 2024

Navigating life, MS and mental health

Once the initial shock of an MS diagnosis has lessened somewhat, I think everyone begins to realise that MS is not just a physical journey; it’s a profound mental and emotional voyage that affects nearly 2.8 million people worldwide. This chronic, often disabling disease of the central nervous system has a notorious unpredictability, making its impact on mental health as significant as its physical impacts. 
