NAI Conference
We are happy to announce that registration for the Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI) Keynote Conference is open. The event takes place during Brain Awareness Week, details below, and is free of charge but early registration is advisable. Closing date for registration is 20th February.
Wheelchair and Seating Provision Survey
Survey exploring wheelchair users’ experience of wheelchair and seating provision
EFNA Patient Survey
EFNA launch European survey on the impact of living with a brain disorder
MS Research Scholarship
Please read on for a very exciting announcement from Dr Susan Coote, Physiotherapy Lecturer, Deaprtment of Clinical Therapies at the Univeristy of Limerick.
Could salt worsen MS?
An article appeared in the Irish Independent yesterday which suggested that people with multiple sclerosis may see a worsening of symptoms if their intake of salt is high.